It is the most important before carrying out the placement of the implants and to explain to the patient adequately what his treatment will consist of and the simplicity or difficulty of this.

Our dental clinic is at the forefront in the use of new technologies to plan the treatment and the post-operative in the best possible way.

3D scanner

In addition to carrying out a photographic and model study mounted on an articulator, we have a state-of-the-art scanner that allows us to adequately study in depth the situation of bone and soft tissues (gums, mucosa …) where it is going to intervene.

In this way we perform the intervention on the computer and we know with total precision what the intervention will consist of and if any type of regeneration is going to be necessary.

Treatment plan

We design a customized treatment plan for each patient, even assessing the possibility of doing it through guided surgery or immediate loading.

Guided surgery: It is the one with which surgical templates have been designed in the computer that guide us in the surgery and allow even the “intervention without surgery”. In our consultation we can explain what this type of treatment consists of.

Immediate loading: Right at the moment of the placement of the implants or within a period of 24 hours we can place a temporary fixed prosthesis if the study of the case allows it. We will also explain this treatment carefully.

This way we can explain clearly all the treatment options and if it is possible to carry them out.